Tracy Apps

Tracy Apps

Charla: Are you designing for your user? All of them?

BIO: Behind the bowtie, Tracy Apps (@tapps) is a big-picture doer, a developer, a designer, a translator…a UX creator. For Tracy, UX is about so much more than “making pretty buttons.”

With over 20 years of web development experience, including work with Fortune 500 companies, Tracy’s curiosity and love of problem-solving has led her into many amazing opportunities.

She has taught web development, design, and UX at several universities (including UW-Milwaukee, her alma mater), and is a nationally-renown public speaker. Most recently, Tracy co-launched the Women in WP podcast.

Tracy is a drummer, bow-tie aficionado (obviously), and she could probably deadlift you if given the opportunity.

Tracy Apps


WordCamp San José is over. Check out the next edition!